
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2018


PEMERINTAH KOTA KAVINSKY PEEDAH KAVINSKEEH DEPARTMENT STORE Jl. toitoitoi, ciyo cimel district, Phone (00)123456789, Fax (00)987654321 17th December 2020 Ms. Naura Thufaila The Best Butcher District Gordon Dear, Ms. Naura  I am pleased to invite you to come to our new store grand opening in Cibadak. We open our 1000th store in Cibadak. And you were chosen to be our special guest in this event. You will occupy our vvvvip seat on the grand opening. There would be a lot of games and doorprizes. Refreshment also provided during the grand opening.  You are requested attend the grand opening on Saturday, 20th January 2021 at 6.00pm. I hope you will accept this invitation and enjoy the event.  Please come on time or you'll miss the joy!   Sincerely, Krispy Kreme       The Owner